Why Productive People Get Up Insanely Early

Trying to balance a business, dual careers with my wife, and 4 kids under the age of 5 certainly take a lot of balance.  Many times I feel like I am running through life out of balance.  But what is balance?  It is largely subjective and relative to each person.So how do I try to find balance in my situation?  I am constantly trying to restore order in my life through process improvements and just as important, trying to stay in the moment.  Always easier said than done.Below are a few themes and ideas that I try to follow which coincide with this Fast Company article Why Productive People Get Up Insanely Early;

  • The ideal time to work
  • Ability to stay away from email during your own peak working hours
  • A location that allows you to focus best

Again I don't have all of these locked down yet either and it is always a case of trial and error in trying to find the optimal solutions because there is seldom just one. I should say that I have been trying to get up at an insanely early hour which is 5 am for me and it is an awfully difficult habit to develop.


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